Uplift – March 11, 2016

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Moses’ father-in-law replied, ‘What you are doing is not good. You and those people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.

Exodus 18:17-18


Ok, I admit at first glance these two verses may not seem all that uplifting – but I promise, they really are. Really.  Because Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law) is doing some truth speaking here, and it’s a message we all need to hear.

Stop trying to do it on your own.
Do you need me to say it again?



See, Moses was trying to help everyone.
He was trying to do it all.
He wasn’t a bad guy, he had great intentions.  He didn’t want to burden anyone else, so he just took care of things on his own.
And it was killing him and frustrating those around him.
His father-in-law comes for a visit, and offers some advice to his exhausted son: Stop. Just stop.
I love it.
Jethro doesn’t sugarcoat things at all here.
He doesn’t say “I see what you’re trying to do here Moses, and that’s really noble of you, but…” Nope.
He bluntly says that what’s happening is not good for anyone and it needs to stop.

We’ve all been there.
We’ve all been Moses.
Trying to do it all.
Trying to be everything to everyone.
Trying to make sure everyone is happy.
Trying to take care of others when we need someone to take care of us.

Well Jethro and I are here to tell you to stop.
Let it go.
This is where the uplift comes in.
Because when you ask for help, when you invite others into your life to share in your burden, you are lighter.

I promise.

And that’s the gift, the pure gift, of being a part of a community of faith.
We never, ever, have to do life alone.


When we are good, when our faith is strong and our experience of grace is overflowing; there is always someone next to us who needs our support. Who needs to be held up.
We are created to be in community.
So stop doing it alone.
Stop holding it in.
Stop bearing your grief, your illness, your struggles, anything that is weighing you down – by yourself.
It is not good.
I repeat: It is NOT GOOD.  

So today if you are feeling weak, if you are the Moses in this story – my prayer is that you say yes.
Say yes when someone asks if there is anything they can do.
Say yes when someone asks if they can pray for you.
Say yes when they ask if they can bring you a meal.
Say yes when someone asks if you need to talk about it.
Say yes if you need a hug.
Say yes if you need to be distracted.

Just say yes.

Jethro reminds Moses in verse 22 that “that will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you.”
In 2 Corinthians (vs 14) Paul says that “your abundance may be a supply for their need.”
If you are good today,if you are feeling strong and loved in abundance, then be Jethro for someone else. Help someone carry their burden today.
Offer to make them a meal,
sit and be with them,
bring over ice cream and movies,
drive them to an appointment,
pray for them and with them… whatever they need.
Remind someone that they are not alone, that they never ever have to do life alone.
Because it’s true.
God has promised we’ll never be alone.
And then God gave us himself, and then gave us to each other and told us to get to it.  

So let’s get to it.