Uplift – June 17, 2016

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You are the God who works wonders; you have displayed your might among the people”
Psalm 77:14


Have you ever experienced tunnel vision?
You know, where you’re so stuck in one place, seeing only one thing, that you cannot perceive anything around you?
It’s a real thing.
The definition of tunnel vision is “the tendency to focus exclusively on a single or limited goal or point of view.”
Ever done that?
Have you ever been so stuck looking at where you are or how bad things are or what thing you are in the midst of that you cannot see anything else?
I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago, and was reminded of an old proverb about the Exodus miracle that says sometimes we are walking through two walls of water and can’t see anything but the mud in between our toes.  

Oh has this been in my mind a lot lately.
Here I am, looking down, seeing only the mud that is hampering my journey and making my feet dirty.
When all around me is miracle.

The word that is translated in today’s psalm as “wonder” can also be translated as miracle.
And the psalmist, in the midst of great struggle and difficulty, reminds himself and us that we have a God of miracles.
Author, Leif Enger says that we have diluted the word miracle to describe things that are completely normal.  Miracle means so much more.

And our God is a God of miracles.
Think about that.
This is what God is about.
Not making the sun rise or plants grow, that is amazing, but pretty  normal.
Our God parts huge bodies of water to provide escape for his people.
Our God takes mud and spit and makes the blind see.
Our God takes a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish and feeds thousands.
Our God calls out the lame and they get up and walk.
Our God touches the ill and they are healed.
Our God raises people from the dead.
Our God is a God of MIRACLES people!  

So why do we keep looking at the mud?
We’re so afraid to hope for the big things.
But the psalmist is here to remind you that God can do anything.
Nothing is impossible with God.


It’s easy to focus on the mud between our toes.
But don’t get stuck there.
Miracles are all around us, and you don’t want to miss it.