The 12:30 Project

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So it’s the new year, and like a lot of people, I like to use it to get back in the swing of things after two weeks of traveling and eating and getting out of the routine.

Last year, I started daily yoga, and have only missed a few days since then, mostly because of illness or travel.  It has really changed my life.  I know that sounds SUPER cheesy, but I feel better, look better, I’m stronger, and healthier, and more aware of how I feel and what I’m doing to my body.  It’s been amazing.  It all started with a 30 day yoga challenge, and then, well, I never really stopped.  It changed me so much that I didn’t want to quit.  And I still haven’t.

This is what I’ve been thinking as I’ve pondered the new year and resolutions and what it might look like for me.  I think one of the problems I have with New Year Resolutions is that they seem to be a life change, and almost always set me up to fail since I don’t have an end date and it seems impossible.  But 30 day things, that I can do.
So was born my New Year’s Resolution of 2015.  I’m calling it The 12:30 project.
Each month, I’m going to try something new for 30 days.  It might be related to my health, well being, relationships, spirituality, or because I’m interested in growing, but I’m committing to a year of this.
I’ll blog it as I can, and hopefully most of these things will impact me in the same way that my initial 30 days of yoga did.  I’ll keep doing them, or at least I will have a changed perspective.

So here’s the plan:

January: Water
February: Sex
March: No Sugar
April: Prayer
May: Gratitude
June: Rest/Sleep
July: Kindness
August: Creation
September: Bible
October: No Meat
November: Service
December: Joy

Some of these are obvious, like no sugar in March, or no meat in October, and some are less obvious, like what I mean by sleep in June, or sex in February.
Rest assured, I’ve got them all figured out, and you’ll have to pop back over to find out what I’m doing those months!  🙂

This month, January, I’m beginning the whole project with water. I’m going to aim to drink a gallon of water a day.  That’s 128 ounces.  Science says that I should be drinking half my body weight in ounces a day, so that’s my minimum, in case I don’t quite hit the 128 that I’m aiming for. But I AM hoping to do it.
I know I don’t drink enough water.
I also know that it is the number one way to increase my overall health.
I know all this, and then I saw this a few weeks ago and it blew my mind a bit.
So that’s where I’m starting.  Drink up!

Happy New Year!
The 12:30 Project begins now!

(Anyone want to join me?)