The 12:30 Project – Update

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So I’ve been keeping a journal of sorts of the 12:30 Project, and so I thought I’d post an update of this month… If you’ve forgotten, January is the month of water.   I’m aiming to drink a gallon of water a day, which is 128 ounces.  Yeah. It’s a lot.  But surprisingly, not too difficult…
Things I’ve noticed:
I feel better. Really.  And it’s noticeable when I miss the last water bottle or two.  Again, my skin has never looked or felt better, and I haven’t had a headache since I began.  The Amazing Power of H20!!!
It’s not too late to jump into the project with me!  Even half a month is better than not at all!

Days 6-12

Day 6: I’ve done a good job today, but my body still hasn’t figured it out yet. I’m going to the bathroom an awful lot, but on the plus side, it gets me up and away from my desk about every hour.

Water Bottles consumed: 4
Glasses: 2
Lacroix: 1
Total ounces: 116
Trips to the bathroom: eleventy hundred

Day 7: Another good job, though I left my bottle at the office when I left, which took out my drinking on the drive home. Bummer. Still lots of bathroom trips, but slightly less than yesterday.
Water bottles: 3
Glasses: 3
Lacroix: 1
Cups of tea: 1
Total ounces: around 110

Day 8: no water bottle made a huge difference and by the time I realized I hadn’t been drinking water it was halfway through the day! Tried to catch up, but ended back a bit.
Probably most noticeable so far is how I feel great, though more tired than usual. My skin looks amazing. Probably the best in years.
Water bottles: 0
Glasses: 8
Perrier: 1
Total ounces: around 100

Day 9: an ok day today, but it was a busy day with a funeral and internment and running around… So I didn’t have it in my mind all morning. Then I drank beer with dinner instead of water and that set me back too.
Water bottles: 1.5
Glasses of water: 3
Total ounces: 72ish (yikes!)

Day 10: another less than stellar day. Why is it so hard to drink water when I’m home? Strange.
So I did ok.  I could feel yesterday’s drought today, which helped me drink more but still a bit off from my goal.
Water bottles: 2
Glasses: 2
Lacroix: 1
Total ounces: 90

Day 11: better.  Waaaaay better.
Starting off the day with big glasses of water seems to help keep the numbers up.  If I forget that, it’s all downhill. Learning curve is steep, but at least I’m learning. 🙂
Water Bottles: 2
Glasses: 4
LaCroix: 1
Total Ounces: 108

Day 12: Back at the office means back to remembering to drink water more.  Also means I’m running back and forth to the bathroom a lot again.  Bathroom in the house is different than bathroom somewhere in the building.
Water Bottles: 3
Glasses: 3
LaCroix: 1
Total Ounces: 120