Project 12:30 Update

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Just wanted to put a little project update out there, for any of you who follow.
This intimacy exercise has done a few things for my marriage at the halfway point:

1. It’s shown how little time we regularly take to intentionally talk about our marriage, our hopes, our dreams, etc.  It’s been a really lovely time.

2. Also, it has reminded me just how little work it actually is to take that time for each other.  Sure, we’re both tired, we’re both busy… there are other things we CAN do… but 30 minutes is really not that much in the grand scheme of the evening, and even just that simple 30 minutes a day can do so much.

3. Some of the questions from the list I posted at the start (find it here) are really not great at fostering conversation (cough cough 6,7, 15…).  But some are just lovely and have brought up interesting conversations.  Last night we were on #22… and the question was “alternate sharing something you consider a positive attribute of your partner, share at least 5 times.”  Man oh man.  Even if you aren’t doing this daily intimacy exercise along with me this month, I HIGHLY encourage you to do just this one on your next date night or intentional conversation night.  Oh all the feels.  And not just the feels, but really hearing the ways you are appreciated and loved for being uniquely you is just about the most wonderful thing to hear.  So do it.  Thank me later.
I think that’s it for now.
There is still time to jump into this intimacy exercise… see the February begins post for how to do it.
If nothing else, this month has shown me that SO FEW people take the time to work on their marriage daily.  We just become robots, or roommates, or business partners.  And while none of those are bad, I think they just aren’t what marriage is supposed to be about.
Anyway, all that to say that it is never too late to start creating good habits in your relationships.  No matter if you’ve been married 20 years or dating ten minutes –  it’s never too late.