Project 12:30 – July!

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It’s July 15 – and I realized that I hadn’t written anything about this month’s project yet.
So here we go.  July is kindness month.

Now, you’d think this would be something I do anyway, but this month is a different focus. It’s not just basic ‘be a good human being’ kindness, but daily, intentional, above and beyond kindness.

Here’s what I’ve been trying to do.
1. If you’re not kind on the internet, you’re not kind.
2. Set an intention
3. We can do hard things

1. If you’re not kind on the internet, you’re not kind.
this seems pretty self explanatory, but truly, it’s so easy to get sucked into things online.  And I’ve been trying to back away from engaging online and even from posting  as much as usual.  As I love facebook and twitter, this is NOT easy for me.  Though – I will say, that my reputation on twitter is one of kindness, and I’m really ok with that.  Somehow I find it easier to not engage on twitter than I do on fbook.

2. Set an intention
every morning I do yoga – and a part of the practice is setting an intention before I begin.  This month – my intention is to cultivate kindness.  I start my practice with that – and then end it with saying “may I have kindness in my thoughts, kindness in my words, kindness in my heart” as I move my prayer hands from head to heart.  It’s an important part of my practice and I think it’s making a difference

3. It’s all in the mind
It’s not like being kind is always easy.  It is easy while I’m on my mat and alone in my house.  But then my little throws a fit and someone passes me on the shoulder during my commute (yes, that happened) and kindness becomes harder to remember.  It’s in these moments, that I remember I can control only myself, and I can be kind, even when it’s hard.  As Glennon Melton says, “We can do hard things”

So there it is.
Sorry it’s late – but if you are joining me at all, there is still time!