Friday Uplift, 6/19/2015

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“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen.  He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far has the Lord helped us.'” (1 Samuel 7:12)

I did a little youtube video on what Ebenezer means this week (you can watch it here) but I thought this is an even better verse for Friday Uplift as well.
Israel had just engaged in battle with the terrible Philistines and won.
This was a big deal, because when they won they knew it hadn’t happened without the help of God.
So Samuel took a stone and set it on the ground to mark the spot where they had recieved God’s help.   When they look back at it, they can remember that they got to that point because of God.
Ebenezer literally means stone of help in the original Hebrew, and think we all have our own Ebenezers we can raise today.
You might be going through something difficult right now, but we’re not alone. God is with you right now – you are still here, still fighting, still strong.
Maybe you’ve come through something difficult and have come out victorious, just like the Israelites, and you know you are where you because God was with you through it.
So today, right now, it’s Ebenezer time.
If you can, find a rock, grab a sharpie, and write on it.
Write where you have come from, what you have triumphed over, or where you see God.
And then put it somewhere where you can see it.
If rock-writing isn’t your thing – then get a journal, and write it down.
If you want to be artsy – draw it.
But today, together, we’re going to Raise our Ebenezers.

“Here I raise my Ebenezer

hither by thy help I’ve come”
That’s us.  Here, raising our stones of help to recognize how God is working and helping in our lives.

If you feel like it, take a picture and let me see. 🙂

Otherwise, raise it up!